Talking with lots of my clients a stumbling block they have is knowing how to get their client or customer leads to convert into sales. In this blog I’m breaking down how to make lead “magic” into 4 simple steps!
I see so many businesses making the huge mistake of not reviewing just who their Ideal Client or Customer is – this blog takes you through step by step in how to make sure you are marketing to your idea client!!
Before you spend any more time, money or energy chasing new clients or customers, it might be a good idea to first get CLEAR about the most likely way people will find you. Read my blog where I guide you through 4 ways to attract your ideal client or customer.
Just exactly who is your ideal client? Do you know who is your who? Where do you target them and how? Read on for this deep dive about your IDEAL CLIENT!
Today’s marketplace is so noisy and crowded and it can be so very hard to stand out. Read on for five ways to really show your customers you value them!