[Building Communities] Get Curious & Build a Community through Strategic Connections – Podcast Episode 301

by | Jun 20, 2024 | Interviews, Latest, Listen's favs, Podcast, Podcast notes, Podcasting Conversations, Small Business Help | 0 comments

Hey there my friend, welcome to the podcast that’s on the other side of 300! Welcome to episode 301.

Thanks for leading me your ears right now – I know you have lots of other things you could be doing or listening to – so I appreciate you.

This week’s podcast is a guest podcast with an amazing guest who has written a book called Two Ears, One Mouth and a Big Heart – which is such a great title isn’t it – our guest is talking about being curious and building community.

But before we get into that did you get a chance to listen in to last week’s episode? The 300th one? It was probably more my experience of podcasting and my behind the scenes things and okay, some ramblings about business and podcasting! It’s worth a listen – listen to it at www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/300

But before we get into today’s episode, I’ve got a couple of announcements – firstly my Nine Week Marketing Transformation program is on a special for half price – so just $500 and you get 2 x 30 minutes chats with me included which is valued at $497 – so basically you get the course for free! Check it out here: https://bit.ly/MarketingWithJenn  

And my LinkedIn Retreat with Jules Brooke only has 2 spots left – and has a EOFY sale on – so you can get $500 off with the code EOFYJJ – so if you’re on the fence, jump off it and get involved. It’s in August for 2 nights, I’m hosting with Jules Brooke, and we have spaces available. Want to learn more? Go here: https://bit.ly/linkedinretreat

Okay, onto today’s episode with my amazing guest Kerryn Powell from Your Time Matters and Kerry Powell dot com dot au. Kerryn stands out as a dynamic connection strategist, conversation starter, and network catalyst, renowned for her exceptional skill in building communities and forging meaningful connections. Which is obviously why I have her on the podcast today! One of her favourite words is “curious”, which is definitely one of my and I love the way she looks at community and knows how important it is.

Listen up – Kerryn’s so lovely and knowledgeable.  Here’s our chat:


Website: www.kerryn-powell.com.au  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kerrynpowellytm

Instagram: www.instagram.com/kerryn_powell_network_catalyst

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kerrynpowellyourtimematters/

Freebie – Score Card: https://kerryn-qfn6oobh.scoreapp.com/

Did you take loads from my conversation with Kerryn? She has a great nak for making you think differently about things you’ve thought about often and yet, not like that!

She’s just brilliant!

Hop into the Like Minded Business Owners Facebook group and let me know, which one of Kerryn’ tips you loved the most.

But that’s it for episode 301. If you loved this episode and found it valuable, please take 30 seconds out of your day to leave me a rating and review if you want where you are listening.

Do you have a friend who might like to listen in too? Can I ask a favour, and have you share this episode with them? I’d love that and appreciate it SO much.

Again, I’d love you to join in the community in the Like Minded Business Owners Facebook group. You can join the group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/LikeMindedBusinessOwners

See you next week on the podcast for episode 302.

But in the meantime, let’s hang out on social and get social on social – you’ll find me on Instagram, Facebook and my fav LinkedIn.

But whatever you do,

…….. remember small business peep, as my opening song says, there’s no point in dreaming small!


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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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