GUEST BLOG: Jo McKenzie – Boost Your Business with Templates

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Business Building Musts, Interviews, Small Business Help

Boost Your Business with Templates: Why Creating Templates for Your Website and Digital Marketing is Essential

Small business owners and entrepreneurs run a tight ship when it comes to their budget and time. We have to do everything ourselves—-from operations to marketing and finance. Wearing many hats can be challenging and time-consuming. However, with the advent of templates, we can reduce the time spent creating repetitive tasks and focus on more crucial tasks to kick our businesses into high gear. We’ll explore the benefits of creating templates for your website and digital marketing, and how it can boost your business.

Saves Time and Effort

I’m not sure about you, but I can often spend many hours creating social media posts, email responses, and campaigns/automations. Most of the time, we end up with mediocre content that has room for improvement. Creating templates to streamline repetitive tasks saves time and effort. With templates, you can build pre-designed templates for social media, email responses, newsletters and campaigns, website pages or sections, landing pages, and more. You’ll no longer have to start from scratch every time you need to create similar content. And I’ve managed to save a lot of time doing this for both myself and clients!

Consistency and Branding

Consistency is key to creating a brand that customers recognise, trust, and refer to others. Creating templates ensures consistency in design and content, which makes your brand recognisable. Brand recognition is essential in creating a loyal customer base. Templates enable small businesses to use a consistent colour scheme, font, and tone of voice throughout your website, social media profiles, and marketing materials.


Small businesses are always on a tight budget. However, creating templates is a cost-effective way to produce high-quality marketing materials. Templates enable businesses to reuse existing designs, so they don’t have to spend time and money creating new ones each time. Moreover, most website platforms, email marketing and design platforms (like Canva) offer free or low-cost templates that you can customise according to your brand.

Better Communication

Creating templates can help automate communication with clients and customers. Email templates can be used to send standard replies, booking confirmation, or order status updates. Chatbot templates can improve customer service experiences by providing customers with instant assistance. Templates simplify communication, so you won’t have to spend hours crafting individual replies to customers.

Improved Efficiency

Whilst there is only one of me in my business, your business may have a team. Templates can be shared among team members to ensure efficiency in project management. They can save time performing repetitive tasks, so businesses can focus on doing what matters most. Sharing them enables team members to have access to the same pre-designed templates for campaigns, social media, website updates, sales materials, and more. This, in effect, simplifies the process, leading to better efficiency and job satisfaction.

Here at Call on Jo, I use some the following in my business but also for my clients:

  • Themes for the website which enables me to set the font, colour, size etc
  • Templates for newsletters/campaigns
  • Standard response emails
  • Chatbot automation on social media
  • Utilise CANVA for creation of social media posts
  • Templates for checklists, processes that are regularly undertaken

Creating templates is an essential aspect of running any business. Like me, you can utilise templates to save time, reduce effort, and streamline your efforts. Templates help me and you maintain branding consistency, reduce marketing expenses, and improve communication with customers and business efficiencies.

So, if you’re leading a small business or starting one, investing time into creating templates for your website and digital marketing platforms can help boost your business, enabling you to focus on what matters most – growing your business.


 Jo McKenzie is a website designer and digital marketer supporting small business owners with their website and email marketing needs so they have reliable and dependable virtual digital support who works in the background taking care of their business requirements.





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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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