11 Ways to Re-Purpose a SINGLE Piece of Content

by | Jan 19, 2020 | Business Building Musts, Copywriting, Marketing Strategies, Small Business Help

Every week for the past year I have put out a podcast – so there’s 52 already.

Many of you probably either podcast yourselves (if not you should and that’s a future episode) or at least write blogs consistently – hopefully weekly – be at least consistently.

There’s a lot of time and effort and energy that goes into creating consistent original content like this.  A LOT OF WORK.

So, it doesn’t really make sense to do it, market it once or twice and more on to the next one.  It’s a pattern I see consistently with content creators.

They are great at creating content – that’s their jam – but they miss out on so much traction not repurposing enough or often enough.

Which is what has inspired this blog – 11 ways to repurpose a single piece of content – plus lots of tips and tricks along the way.

Why repurpose?

Well because, despite what some believe, not everyone sees everything you put on social media or opens every piece of email marketing you send and therefore putting it under their nose more than once is necessary to build traction, build movements and build your expertise.

If they don’t see it or read it or watch it, they won’t know how brilliant you are!

So, let’s dig in::


This is probably the least obvious and is the one that needs the first thoughts.

For a media outlet to pick up your content, you need several things, but original content is probably one of the most important.

So, before you publish you blog on your own platforms etc, consider submitting to media outlets for some free PR around your business and expertise.

If you’ve never done any free PR before, have a listen to episode 14 – www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/14 where I chatted to PR expert Jules Brooke.

PR can do wonders for your business, your expertise and your bottom line!  And plus, if you do get something published – you can repurpose that will all the suggestions below again!


No matter what platforms you are on – once your blog or podcast is published on your platform, share to social media.  Write an engaging couple of lines which leads to a call to action – e.g./ click here to read more and share the heck out of it on social media.


Video is king.  He has been for a while now, and this is a great way of getting some video out there.  Either record yourself talking about one or two important points mentioned in your blog or podcast and post on social media. 

Again, with a call to action following.

If it’s a podcast you are repurposing, you can create your own videos from the audio (if you publish your podcast on YouTube you could do a screen cast of a section).

Again, repurpose on social media.

Tools for doing short videos, that I use and are fabulous, are Loom, Wavve and Headliner – links to all these are in the show note.


LinkedIn has a platform for publishing articles.  Apparently Sunday is the best day for traction on these!  Go figure!

Simply cut and paste your article into LinkedIn, create a banner, put a call to action at the end (which might be “come to my website to read more great articles or listen to my podcast here).

Now if it’s a podcast you are repurposing, I am assuming you are doing show notes.  It’s the show notes you’d tailor a little and cut and paste as a LinkedIn article.  Of course, doing show notes is already another way of repurposing your podcast!


Holy cow.  Do you forget to do this?  So many small business owners I speak to don’t have an email list.  I cannot repeat often enough how important an email list is to your business.  If you don’t have one – please make 2020 is year you’ll put lots of time and effort into building one.

Email your list with your blog.  There’s many ways of doing this – but there’s two I’ve used in particular.

First one, a short email, introducing the blog a little, maybe sharing the first two paragraphs and then a simple call to action of “click here to read on”.

The second is more of an engaging email that talks about the subject of the blog or podcast, a little longer, has a longer “hook” and is probably a little more, in my opinion, personality packed. 

It still has, of course, a call to action.

For more on email lists and there importance – listen to episode 9 and 10 – links in the show notes at www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/53




Stories – Facebook Stories, Instagram stories – it’s where the eyes are at, at the moment on social.  Canva has some great templates for stories, as does my fav app – StoryArt – links for those are in the show notes.

Create stories, and again, have a call to action in them.

I’ll go out on a limb and say if you’re not doing stories, you are definitely missing out on eyeballs.


Number 2 was about sharing on social media but 7 is more about sharing a story (not like stories about but a story) in long form to engage the reader.

Humans interact with humans.  We get to know, love and trust someone when they give us more than a “read this” on social.

Take the topic, share something around it that might be around the purpose of why you wrote it.  Or what’s in it for the reader if they do read or listen?

PS – if you write a good email – this sometimes can be repurposed here with a few changes.


This one might take you out of your comfort zone or indeed might not be appropriate for every episode – but definitely worth considering.

I turned 4 of my podcasts into webinars last year which extended my audience 10 fold.

If you don’t have webinar software (Easy Webinar, Go to Webinar, Zoom) then maybe consider a Facebook live.  Nothing says expert like putting yourself out there live with live interaction with your audience.

Encourage questions …

Have a call to action. 

You’re getting this right, you ALWAYS need to be leading your audience to the next step – don’t leave them guessing, show them EVERY TIME what you want them to do next.


If your article or podcast has something in it for the reader/listener (which is clearly does) then think of ways you can share that content into groups.

Look for groups that have specific days to share content – like #episodemonday or #tipstuesday etc etc.  They’re out there – use them to your advantage.

My Facebook group – Like Minded Business Owners, has #sharingmonday and #offerthursday – you can repurpose on those days in my group.  Not a member, better join in the fun then!


Pinterest, that social media platform that’s really a powerful search engine that we forget about.  If you write blogs or have a podcast – you should be looking at Pinterest.

It’s something I am going to invest in, in 2020 – no doubt I will be sharing my results as the year goes on.

For me, it’s something I’m going to outsource I think, my plate’s a little full – but I will let you know how it goes.

I’d encourage you to investigate yourself.  If you want the name of my guy (who’s an awesome gal), let me know and I’ll pass on those details.

BTW, I have a Pinterest episode coming up real soon, with an expert guest.  Subscribe so you don’t miss that one!


My absolutely, hands down, favourite platform for creating graphics is Canva

Pull some engaging quotes from your content, make them into a graphic and share on social media.

One of the simplest ways to repurpose your content.

Of course, with a call to action!

So that’s my 11 ways to repurpose 1 single piece of content.  WOW!  I hope you are impressed but more importantly, I hope I have inspired you to repurpose, repurpose, repurpose!

There’s lots of other ways to repurpose content, perhaps not all your content, but definitely a good lot of it.

  1. Share on platforms such as Missinglettr, Medium, Quora, Slide Share – links to all those are in the show notes
  2. Build an infographic from the information – perhaps on Piktochart or Canva – again links in the show notes
  3. Share on any stats on twitter – twitter users loves stats!
  4. Create spin offs from your blog. Perhaps there’s a subject you touched on a little in your piece of content that could be a piece all unto itself!

So, there you have it.  All the ways I can think of on the at the beginning of 2020 to repurpose your content.

If you can think of another or actually do another, let me know.  Send me a message or put it in the group Like Minded Business owners or just send me an email jenn@jenndonovan.com.au – I’d love to hear about them!

So, just to wrap up, here’s the 11 again::

  1. Get published – Free Media PR
  2. Share on social media with link
  3. Video, Video, Video
  4. LinkedIn article
  5. Email your list
  6. Share in stories
  7. Long form posts – tell me a story
  8. Turn into a webinar or Facebook live
  9. Share into Facebook or LinkedIn groups
  10. Make graphics with quotes and share on social media
  11. Pinterest

Let’s hit the ground running in 2020 …. Make repurpose your word for the year perhaps!

If you enjoyed this blog, please repurpose by sharing with your audience and share the love!

Otherwise, tune into the Small Business Made Simple Podcast every Thursday for a new episode just like this blog!



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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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