by | Oct 16, 2019 | Facebook, Podcast, Small Business Help | 0 comments

Hey there, welcome to episode 42 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast.

Thank you for lending me your ears today – I know you have lots of choices, so I sincerely appreciate me being one of them!

Today’s episode is brought to you by my brand new, almost can’t hold in my excitement, course Facebook Ads for Beginners.  It’s been many hours in the making, but it’s here and today is launch day.

I will be talking all things Facebook Ads on this episode, so keep listening, but if Facebook Ads is something you’d like to try for yourself, or you’d like to learn more about (and you’re kinda just a beginner), then stick around.  I’ve got a great offer for you!

I get to talk to so many small business owners, in rural areas and in the city and I know 2 things for sure.

Firstly, they realise there’s power in using Facebook Ads to sell their wares and services or to engage with their audience or to bring in new prospects, and secondly, they know they need to know this stuff.

BUT, what I also found is that there’s a whole lot of either “boosting button” pressers out there or small business owners who just don’t know where to start when it comes to Facebook Ads – they might have looked, and things just look too hard.

Hence the reason for today’s podcast and frankly, my new digital course.

But before I get started, let’s do the Discovery of the Week.


I always find it funny how someone can mention something new to you and then all of a sudden you are hearing about it and seeing it everywhere.

It could be good marketing – or the red Mazda theory – you know the one when go buy a new car and then the next day everyone on the road seems to have the same car as you, but you didn’t notice yesterday?

Well, this week’s discovery of the week has a bit of that in it.

Last week I had a lunch date with the wonderful Mell of Starfish marketing, and she mentioned it, then Kerry Anne Nelson had a post about it on LinkedIn and then someone mentioned it in a chat group and so on and on it’s gone.

So, what is it?  It’s called, Missinglettr.  It can be found at missinglettr.com (and it’s missing the second e).

If you write blogs, you are going to love this. 

Missinglettr turns each of your blog posts into a 12-month social campaign, which is then dripped out to your social channels. Each campaign is designed to engage with your audience and drive traffic back to your site.

Repurposing content gets my heart – I love tools that help repurpose content.  Blogs are a lot of work and to just put them on your website seems silly – you need to repurpose, repurpose, repurpose!

Missinglettr can help!  It’s only new to me, so I haven’t got any experience or analytics to report back to you about, but I have signed up in the past week – so I will let you know how I go.

Or if you already use missinglettr, head into the Facebook group – Like Minded Business Owners and let everyone know about your experiences there.

As always, just a little disclaimer, my discoveries are just that and I am in no way affiliated with any of them but promise to tell you if I ever am.  I just love them and from the response of my listeners, you guys, you are loving them too!

Hey and if you have a little discovery, or something you use in your business that you’d like to share, please do so.  Email me at jenn@jenndonovan.com.au or tag me @smallbusinessmadesimple.  I really love to know what tools you use to help make your life simpler!


Facebook isn’t just powerful—it’s flexible. No matter what type of business you run, it has enough different marketing options that you can tailor your marketing efforts to fit your business, your budget, and your time constraints.

Yes, it can take some time to get to know all of its features, but it’s worth it. If Facebook is not a current part of your marketing campaign, it should be.

Facebook Ads vs Boosting

Here’s what I know (from a lot of you), the boosting button is easy, the Ads platform is not and therefore boost gets the love.

I totally understand.  But I want you to promise me you will stop touching that boost button.

It’s not evil but it’s not good either.

Boosting a post is pretty much telling the Facebook algorithm, I don’t know what I’m doing.

It’s a “throw spaghetti against the wall” approach.

Will it work?  Maybe.  You might get some wins, just like some spaghetti will stick, but most of it will fall flat and fail.

Module 6 of my course goes through boosting vs Facebook ads and steps you through what boosting is really doing and how your money acts on the platform when you boost.

So, when it comes to Facebook Ads, here’s some bits of wisdom I’ve learnt along my journey and that of my clients.

(a)         Assume nothing, test everything

If you are wondering whether this image will work better than that image, you can ask a prospects, your staff, your partner, a test group, but the truth is that you couldn’t possibly know which ad will give you better results until you test them.

We’re humans, we’re complicated like that.

So, when you’re getting your ad creatives together, ad copy, photos, videos etc, it’s best practice to set up 2-4 ads with different creatives and/or different audiences.

This is the only way you’ll be able to work out what works.

(b)        Start with the end in mind

If you listened in episode 32, Facebook Ads – 3 Mistakes we need to stop making, you’ll remember this one well.

Start with the end desired result and work backwards.

If I wanted to have my new eBook Ultimate Guide to Facebook Ads downloaded 100 times each month, and I know that 50% of people who land on my landing page that asks for your email address sign up, then I need 200 leads to go to my landing page for a conversion rate of 50%.

If I average, on a Traffic objective ad, a $1.50 per click, and I need 200 people clicking to get 100 downloads, then my budget has to be at least $300.

I also know that 10% of people who see my ad, click.  So, I need 2000 people to see my ad.

That’s what start with the end in mind looks like.

(c)         Great offers sell without selling

If you have a good offer in place, you have more chances to create an ad that pays off. That’s a fact.

Just think about it.

Which offer is more attractive?

50% off Winter Jumpers or Like if you’d wear it!  Every purchase feeds 7 shelter dogs.

Which would you click on? 

Even though a 50% OFF deal is great, it doesn’t compare to the implied mechanism used by the second offer.

The simple fact of feeding seven dogs will entice you to buy the shirt, especially if you are dog lover. You won’t even think you’re buying a shirt. That’s just a plus. In your mind, you’ll be helping seven poor dogs to survive.

And that’s what great offers do.

They sell without selling.

Now, I’m not saying you should start a charity to start selling on Facebook. No. What I’m saying is that you need to find a way to sweeten your offer—and do it in a way people don’t feel you’re selling them something. Great copy doesn’t seem like an ad, it seems like a favour”.

Remember, people don’t like being sold, but they love to buy stuff.

Set aside some time to tinker around, start a few test campaigns, and see what happens. Like anything, it takes practice to get good at it.

My advice: get started now. When’s the best time to plant a tree, 20 years ago, when’s the next best time – TODAY.

Now if you’re interested in my brand new, just released today, Facebook Ads for Beginners course.  Let me tell you a little about it.

It’s a 9-module course.  That might seem big, but you can conquer it in a day.

I take your hand and I walk you through, step by step, not on the actual Facebook Ads platform, but also goal setting, starting with the end in mind, your client avatar and SO MUCH MORE.

This is truly a labour of love.

My mission is to help as many small business owners as I can.  This course is purely built on that core value.  I am so tired to small business owners not using the platform because they don’t know how.


So just quickly, the modules are

  • Welcome
  • Targeting – who is your who and what do you want to be famous for? (super doper important)
  • Let’s start to the beginning – setting up your Ads Manager Account and your Facebook Pixel (don’t turn green, I literally walk you through it!)
  • Understanding the algorithm
  • Strategy – let’s set some goals
  • Choose Your Ad objective – boosting vs Facebook ads and the most comprehensive look at the objective you have ever seen (seriously…)
  • Choosing your Audience, Placement and Budget
  • Writing engaging copy, and
  • Final words and pulling it altogether

Sound good?

I hope so!

If you’re interested, I will be hosting a FREE webinar all about Facebook Ads that you can join me on – just go to … to register (link is in the show notes)

Otherwise, if you’re a go getter like I know so many of you are, the cart is open now, you can go and purchase the course, and get started RIGHT NOW.  There’s no waiting.

Just purchase, login and start getting your Facebook Ads done!

To purchase the course or to learn more – go to www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/facebook

So, the price?  Well, I have a super offer for you if you’re listening to this in real time – so mid October 2019.

I have made the price super special for my Foundation Members.  

For those who are action takers, lifelong learners, and in my world you will be the first group to ever purchase the course, I feel that that deserves extra love.

So, if you purchase before the end of October 2019, so the 31st of October, before the doors close on the course, you will get the special Foundation member price of $197 bucks.

Yep, I kid you not.

It will be rising high after that to $397.  The next launch which will be in 2020, will be at the price point of $397.

So, if you want to save $200, then head to www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/facebook now and purchase Facebook Ads for Beginners.

You’ll have lifetime access.  As the platform changes, this course will update too, and you will have access to those updates, and I have an exclusive Facebook Group for my students of course so they can slip in there and have their questions answered by me or get help from fellow students as well.

But if you’re not ready and would just like join me on my webinar all about Facebook ads for some awesome tips and tricks, then join me on ?? and I really look forward to seeing you then.

I’ll be back next Thursday with some more marketing know-how and another discovery of course. 

But that is all for Episode 42. I’d love to connect with you all on social – so let’s get social on social – I’m on all the good platforms, so let’s do that!

…….. and remember small business peeps, as my opening song says, there’s no point in dreaming small!



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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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