Building an Empire On Instagram with Rural Sensation Pip from Jumbled Online – Episode 83

by | Jul 29, 2020 | Instagram, Interviews, Podcast | 0 comments

Hey there, my fabulous listener, welcome to episode 83 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast.

Thank you for lending me your ears today – I know you have lots of choices, so I sincerely appreciate me being one of them!

If you’re a first time listener, super super welcome, I am so pleased to have you here.  I am your host Jenn Donovan, and it’s my job, via this podcast, social media and everywhere else actually, to make your business life simpler. 

I’m a thought leader when it comes to marketing here in Australia and I’m a marketing strategist for small business.

Why? Because business can be lonely and hard and complicated and it’s hardly ever easy, but it should be simple or at least simpler, so that’s my commitment you to on the Small Business Made Simple podcast!

One way I help to make your life simpler is by having a group of like-minded business owners all in one stop.  To ask questions, get answers and enjoy the journey of business! If you haven’t joined the Like Minded Business Owners Facebook Group, then hope over there after this episode and join!  Simply search Like Minded Business Owners in Facebook or come to the show notes for the like.  Show notes are at

This episode is sponsored by my 6 Week Mini Mastermind. 

I love masterminds – they have been hands down one of the most incredible ways I have built, not just this business, but previous businesses as well.

Applications are now open for the 6 week mastermind. 

I’m only taking 8 people, for 6 weeks – so they have zero excuses!

If you’re looking to grow your business with a mix of community, accountability and 1:1 support from me, then, this my friend is your tribe just waiting for YOU!

You can find all the information you need to decide whether you’re a HELL YES for this special offering at

There’s only 8 spots – so that you can get some guaranteed personal support, and 50% are already taken – so if you’re keen, get moving!

Today I have a magnificent and special guest.  Pip from Jumbled Online.

I have never met Pip, other than on Instagram, but she is about the only person I know who makes me wish I was still in retail.


She has this marketing, branding, community, authenticity, culture thing just right.

Her Instagram makes me laugh, and I am so often awe inspired at the energy and effort building her online community and business, she puts in.

I also love her and her business, because she’s rural.  Yep, she’s based in Orange – in New South Wales.

Since creating my Buy From a Bush Business Facebook Group back in October 2019, I have embraced more and more the fact that I live rurally. 

It was something that I often thought was to my detriment, but now I am finding it’s exactly what I need to be and where I need to be.

So, it was a delight to talk to this powerhouse of a rural women.

So, if you’re interested in learning how a rural retailer can build an Instagram empire, then this is definitely the podcast for you.

So, without waiting any longer, let’s welcome Pip.


Holy smoke I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did making it. 

Again, Pip makes me wish I was still in retail – and I cannot tell you how HUGE that is for me to say!

All the links to check out Jumbled Online are in the show notes at

Ok, so that’s it for episode 83.

As mentioned at the beginning this episode is sponsored by my 6 week mini mastermind.  If you’re keen to find out more about it or get involved, head to

Hey, I’m just popping in here to interrupt my own podcast and let you know some HUGE news!

You see as this podcast goes live, my side passion project is becoming something massive, huge and oh so exciting.

As mentioned earlier, I have a Facebook group with enough people in it to fill a small city – Buy From a Bush Business, with 265,000 members, and today, right as this goes live, so does our brand new marketplace website!

I AM STOKED!  I have been in tears of joy and excitement for days to announce this – so this is my soft announcement to my podcast audience, as I’ll have my fellow side hustlers on the podcast soon to tell you more.

But basically, the amazing ladies at Spend With Us, Lauren & Sarah, and I have joined forces to create the marketplace website – Spend With Us, Buy From a Bush Business Marketplace! 

So, head over and take a look at our new marketplace – a place for rural and regional businesses to sell their goods and aide in the recovery from drought, fires, floods and Coronavirus.

Head to to check it out.  I hope you’ll support us and support those rural businesses on our platform. (Make sure you keep coming back as we grow!)

Ok, that’s all I wanted to interrupt and say, now back to the goodbyes!

Got questions?  Head into Like Minded Facebook group and ask away – or send me a DM on Instagram or an email

I’ll be back next Thursday with another great episode to help you simplify your business in 2020. 

If you’re enjoying this podcast, which if you have listened to here – you hopefully are, don’t forget to subscribe, share this episode with another superstar business owner who’s doing the daily grind and would appreciate someone making their business simpler, and leave a rating or review to show how much you are loving this free weekly content.

See you next week on the podcast for episode 84 – boy am I going to party like there’s no tomorrow when we hit 100 episodes!  But in the meantime, let’s hang out on social and get social on social – you’ll find me on Instagram, Facebook and my fav LinkedIn.

But whatever you do,

……..remember small business peeps, as my opening song says, there’s no point in dreaming small!



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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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