by | Jun 12, 2019 | Interviews, Marketing Strategies, Podcast | 0 comments

Why hello and welcome.  Welcome to Episode 24 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast.

Thanks for tuning in today, I know you have loads of options to listen to – so I really appreciate you lending your ears to me today!  Sending podcast love for that!

Today I’ve got a special treat for you and the subjects just a wee bit different to what you’ll hear on most podcasts because we’re going to be discussing offline marketing and print marketing with my very good friend Tom.  Tom and his better half Ally own and run Same Day Printing out of Melbourne, and he is at good at marketing as he is at printing – it’s a seriously valuable podcast to listen into!

I’ve known Tom for what must be about 6 years now and I’m proud to call him my friend.  What started off as a business friendship via having the same mentor and belonging to the same business group, is now a friendship shared over wine and holidays (because I live in God’s country and once a year Tom and Ally and the boys come to visit).  I know this isn’t what the podcast is about today – but this is one of the reasons why I love my business so much.  Colleagues become business friends who become great friends.  I also love that my children see this – that friends come from far and wide as you venture into this world – it goes far beyond the friends you make at school.

But I digress!  So, Tom’s on to share his wisdom shortly – but of course, first up, let’s do our Discovery of the Week!


This week’s discovery is not something that I use but I know a lot of you out there might want to know about it!  It’s called Last Pass – https://www.lastpass.com/

Basically, LastPass remembers all your passwords, so you don’t have to.  So, if you are continually trying to remember what your password for this or that is, then this could just be the lifesaver that you’ve been looking for!

As usual with these applications, it has a free version and a paid – I think the paid version is like $3 a month – so for peace of mind could be a very small spend!

It also helps to generate those really secure, unusual passwords without you having to remember them or retype them.

I have one friend who demanded his wife get this due to the headaches and heartaches of her consistently forgetting passwords!  They’re still married so it must work!

So, if I’m describing frustrated, forgetful you – then look into LastPass.

As always, just a little disclaimer, my discoveries are just that and I am in no way affiliated with any of them but promise to tell you if I ever am.  I just love them and from the response of my listeners, you guys, you are loving them too!

Hey and if you have a little discovery, or something you use in your business that you’d like to share, please do so.  Email me at jenn@jenndonovan.com.au or tag me @smallbusinessmadesimple.  I really love to know what tools you use to help make your life simpler!



So, I hope you enjoyed that interview and can really start to see the power of print inside your business.  If you’d like to chat about it further – well then, let’s get social on social and continue this conversation in my Facebook Group – Like Minded Business Owners.  I’d love to hear your thoughts around print, what you’ve done in the past or what you might be thinking of for the future!

But that’s all for Episode 24 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast.

I’ll be back next Thursday with some more marketing know-how and another discovery of course.

If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode and share this with a friend.  And maybe leave me a rating and a review wherever you listen in.  Those things are like gold for podcasters like me! And you just might get a shout out on the podcast too – so make sure you leave your name and business name if you want that mentioned!

And if you want even more awesome tips, tricks and resources, head over to www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au or head to my Facebook Group – Like Minded Business Owners.

Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special gift that only you have.  Thanks so much for lending me your ears.

…….. and remember small business peeps, as my opening song says, there’s no point in dreaming small!

Check out this episode!


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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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