Understanding Your Marketing & Sales Funnel: A Step-by-Step Guide for Small Business Owners

by | Sep 8, 2024 | Blog, Business Building Musts, Marketing Strategies, Small Business Help

Understanding Your Marketing & Sales Funnel: A Step-by-Step Guide for Small Business Owners

If you’re a small business owner, you’ve likely heard the term “marketing funnel” thrown around in conversations, but what does it really mean? More importantly, how can you use it to drive your business growth? This blog will break down the marketing funnel into simple, actionable steps to help you turn potential clients into loyal customers.

What is a Marketing Funnel?

A marketing funnel is essentially the journey your potential customers take from becoming aware of your business to making a purchase—and beyond. Imagine an actual funnel: wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. As more people enter your funnel, only a small percentage will make it through to the end as paying customers. But by understanding and optimizing each stage of the funnel, you can improve your chances of converting more leads into sales.

Let’s explore the six key stages of the marketing funnel:

1. Awareness

At the top of the funnel, the goal is to get as many eyes on your business as possible. This is where potential customers become aware that you exist and that you offer a solution to their problems. To attract attention at this stage, consider using:

  • Social Media Posts (Paid and Organic): Create engaging content on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn that showcases your products, services, and brand values.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your website and blog content with relevant keywords so potential customers can find you easily through search engines.
  • Content Marketing: Publish informative or entertaining blog posts, infographics, and videos that align with your brand.
  • Google and Social Media Ads: Invest in targeted ads to get your business in front of the right audience.

The key here is to focus on impressions and clicks—getting your brand in front of as many potential customers as possible.

2. Discovery

Once people are aware of your business, the next step is to encourage them to learn more. At this stage, potential customers are exploring whether your business can meet their needs. Some effective strategies include:

  • User-Friendly Website: Ensure your website is easy to navigate and provides clear, engaging content to keep visitors interested.
  • Landing Pages: Create dedicated landing pages for specific campaigns, with clear calls to action like signing up for a newsletter or downloading a resource.
  • Lead Magnets: Offer free guides, checklists, or discounts in exchange for their email addresses to build your email list.
  • Email Marketing: Send welcome emails to new subscribers, sharing more about your business and how your products or services can benefit them.

This phase is all about encouraging deeper engagement with your brand. Keep your audience interested by offering value and showing them why they should stick around.

3. Consideration

At this stage, your potential customers are weighing their options. They’ve likely discovered other businesses offering similar products or services, so you need to differentiate yourself. Some ways to stand out include:

  • Comparison Guides: Create content that compares your offerings to those of your competitors, highlighting your unique benefits.
  • Customer Testimonials: Feature success stories that resonate with your audience and show proof of value.
  • Retargeting Ads: Serve ads to people who have visited your website but haven’t made a purchase, offering more personalized content.
  • Product Demos or Free Trials: Offer samples, consultations, or demos to help ease the decision-making process.

At this stage, you’re helping potential customers make the final choice to buy from you by providing compelling reasons to choose your brand.

4. Conversion

Now comes the most exciting stage—the sale! Your goal here is to make it as easy as possible for potential customers to complete their purchase. To do that, you can:

  • Special Offers & Discounts: Provide limited-time deals or discounts to encourage people to buy now.
  • Simple Checkout Process: Ensure your website’s checkout process is smooth and user-friendly. Abandoned cart recovery strategies, such as follow-up emails, can help recapture lost sales.
  • Testimonials on Checkout Pages: Reassure buyers by including customer reviews and success stories at the point of sale.
  • Live Chat or Chatbots: Offer immediate support to answer any last-minute questions.

5. Customer Relationship

The funnel doesn’t end at the sale. In fact, this is where most businesses miss out on a crucial step—building strong relationships with their customers after the purchase. By nurturing these relationships, you can turn first-time buyers into loyal, repeat customers. Some ideas include:

  • Thank You Emails: Send personalized thank-you emails immediately after a purchase, including product recommendations for future buys.
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Ask for feedback to improve your products or services and show that you value their opinion.
  • Exclusive Offers for Repeat Customers: Reward loyal customers with special discounts or early access to new products.
  • Community Building: Create a space for your customers to interact with each other, such as a Facebook group or private forum.

6. Retention and Referral

The final stage of the marketing funnel is about turning satisfied customers into brand advocates who will refer others to your business. This is where community building really shines. Some strategies to encourage retention and referrals include:

  • Referral Programs: Offer rewards or discounts to customers who refer friends or share your products on social media.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their experiences with your brand, using a branded hashtag or by tagging your account.
  • Re-engagement Campaigns: Send personalized offers or updates through email or SMS to encourage repeat purchases.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Run fun campaigns that engage your customers and prompt them to share your brand with their networks.


Marketing funnels are all about creating a journey for your customers—from the first moment they hear about your business to the point where they’re not only buying from you but also telling others about you. By paying attention to each stage of the funnel, you can craft a marketing strategy that nurtures leads, converts them into customers, and builds a loyal community around your brand.

If you’re ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level, tune into the Small Business Made Simple podcast, Episode 312, where Jenn Donovan breaks this down even further with real-world examples and actionable tips.

About Jenn Donovan

Jenn Donovan is a global marketing strategist, sought-after speaker, and the founder of Social Media and Marketing Australia. With a passion for helping rural and regional small businesses, Jenn is known for her fluff-free, no-nonsense marketing strategies. She’s also the author of Small Town Big Impact and hosts the Small Business Made Simple podcast, which ranks in the top 1.5% globally. Jenn’s work empowers small businesses to leverage community-building and marketing to drive growth and success.


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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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