Your Lead Magnet (Gathering Leads) Questions Answered! – Podcast Episode 280

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Latest, Marketing Strategies, Podcast, Small Business Help | 0 comments

Hey there, my gorgeous listener, welcome to episode 280 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast.

Thank you for lending me your ears today – I know you have lots of choices, so I sincerely appreciate me being one of them.

Don’t forget you can get the show notes for this podcast at – what’s in the show notes and why should you care about me telling you about the link each week? Well, each podcast has notes, so any links or anything you want to clarify after listening, you’ll find in the notes – so it’s a great back up system!

Did you have a listen into last week’s episode? Last week the episode was all about your product architecture.  Thinking about your income streams but also where customers or clients come into your business and leak out. Listen into that episode if you haven’t already!

This week I want to continue, somewhat, the conversation we had a few weeks back about getting more leads into your business.

One of the options for getting more leads was through lead magnets and email marketing.  Lots of people reached out and asked questions around email marketing and lead magnets, so I have decided to make this podcast about answering some of those questions so you can here and, ultimately, fall in love with email marketing too!

So, let’s go – I’m using my communities questions to help you get more leads!

Question One – this one was about how many lead magnets you should have in your business?

The answer is hard to say, but it’s definitely more than one!  Honestly, I have lost count of the amount of lead magnets I have in my business.  Some I use and market often, others are purpose built – for example for a particular subject or podcast episode and aren’t really something I would market otherwise.  Like a workbook I did for SEO for beginners a while back – it totally related to a podcast I did, but as I’m not the SEO expert nor do I want people reaching out for SEO help (it’s not my niche), so I don’t talk about it – but if you listen to that episode, you can still get a copy.

I have a list of 69 Lead Magnet ideas that I share over and over again.  In fact, it’s probably a list I should add to as I did do it a while back.  The idea of the list is to open up a small business owners eyes to just how many and how simple some lead magnets can be.

If you don’t have the list already, go to:

Question Two: Do lead magnets still work?

Maybe I should have led with this one! And simple answer is absolutely yes!  I have just changed over all my significant lead magnets on my website – although still working on some parts that still have my old ones – need to get back to that job! – and they are definitely getting downloads.  And, when I market them, huge surprise, number of people downloading them goes up! Who knew right?

Of course, lead magnets that offer NO value, don’t work.  You must offer value and have a strategy on how and where to use them. 

Remember though, it’s NOT just about collecting email addresses, it is about building that potential community of customers.

Almost everyone who comes to me and says “Jenn, I’ve tried lead magnets, and they don’t work” is given a certain look and then I have a look at their social media and marketing and find one of two things

  1. I find nothing – like nothing nothing – no sign of a lead magnet that’s available in their marketing (yes, it’s on their website, but really – that’s just not good enough) or
  2. I have an uncomfortable conversation with them about value – is this lead magnet really providing value to your audience? Would they pay for it if it was for sale? Is it REALLY solving their biggest problem? Spoiler alert, it’s not.

So, if you have lead magnets in your business but they aren’t working, head to Canva, do up 20 tiles marketing the lead magnet or lead magnets and schedule them into your socials over the year.  Also put a link and some graphics in your email signature and use the link in a PS of most email marketing emails you send.  Then it will work.  King’s honour (like Scout’s honour, but I’m not a scout, I’m not a king either, but it just sounds better!).

Now, I will just say here – because maybe you’re thinking, Jenn email marketing is on my to-do list this year – my 4 week email marketing masterclass is now open for enrolments and there’s been some changes! The biggest change is that it’s not a 5 week program – not four.  Why? Because feedback was we needed a pure “implementation” week at the end.  So, now we do.

We start on the 26th of February and go for 5 weeks until the 25th March.  The price is $750, the spots are limited and if you’re keen but need a payment plan, then enrol now and you can pay in weekly instalments which will make things easier!  To get your spot head here:

Okay, last one for this podcast, Question Three: Where do I put them to get people to sign up for them?

So, I have a list of 26 that I’ve come up with off the top of my head.  I’ll read through them quickly, so if you want to see them – head to the show notes – see I told you knowing that link would be handy!

  1. Caption on your Facebook Cover page or LinkedIn Cover page
  2. Your Social media bios
  3. Your Error 404 page
  4. About me page on your website
  5. Above the fold on your website
  6. Side bar on your website
  7. Website Pop-ups including exit pop ups
  8. Google Business Profile posts and/or profile
  9. Specific Landing Pages either on your website or inside your email marketing program
  10. Social Media Platforms: Promote your lead magnet on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest with compelling visuals and copy. Put them in posts, Stories, live, reels
  11. Email Signatures: Include a link to your lead magnet in your email signature to promote it with every email you send.
  12. Guest Blog Posts: Write guest articles for industry-related blogs and include a call-to-action (CTA) for your lead magnet.
  13. Webinars
  14. YouTube Videos
  15. Podcasts
  16. Online Forums and Communities: Quora, Facebook Groups, Reddit
  17. Paid Advertising: Use platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads
  18. Affiliate or Partner Promotions: Collaborate with partners or affiliates to promote your lead magnet to their audiences.
  19. Networking Events: Mention your lead magnet when networking, and have a QR code on your business card that links to it.
  20. Printed Materials: Include information about your lead magnet on brochures, flyers, and other printed marketing materials.
  21. E-Newsletters: If you already have an email list, promote your new lead magnet in your regular newsletters.
  22. Referral Programs: Encourage your current subscribers or customers to refer others by sharing the lead magnet.
  23. Interactive Quizzes
  24. Stickers with QR Codes
  25. Interactive Workshops
  26. In Person Events eg/ industry events, showrooms

There’s more ideas – I am sure of it but that list of 26 is a good start.  Head to the show notes and get the list and then score yourself out of 10 for each one. Zero for I haven’t implemented it there, and 10 for, I do, I have and I do often!

So, there you have it the three most asked questions when it comes to email marketing that I’ve had from a lead generating place.  I love that so many of my community are thinking about leads early on in the year.

If you are keen to know more about my 5 week email marketing masterclass, then head here: – any questions sing out.  Otherwise, again, it’s 5 weeks, spots are limited, we start on 26th February and I am super happy to do a payment plan, just reach out and we can 100% organise that.

Remember, you need to ask for help to get help.

I’d love to hear from you in the Like Minded Business Owners Facebook group. You can join the group here

But that’s it for episode 280. If you loved this episode and found it valuable, please take 30 seconds out of your day to leave me a rating and review if you want where you are listening.  One more goal of mine is to reach more people with this podcast, and you can help me achieve that, by leaving me a review!  Thanks in advance. And PS – it’s been a while since someone has left and rating or review on Apple Podcasts, so if you listen there, can I please ask you to leave a review? I would REALLY appreciate that – it’s tough producing a podcast each week and I know thousands of people listen, but seeing some appreciative words will help cheer me on in 2024! If you don’t know where to go to leave a rating or review, just scroll down, past the episodes, and you’ll see it at the bottom.

See you next week on the podcast for episode 281

But in the meantime, let’s hang out on social and get social on social – you’ll find me on Instagram, Facebook and my fav LinkedIn.

But whatever you do,

…….. remember small business peep, as my opening song says, there’s no point in dreaming small!


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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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