5 Powerful Ways to Market Your Business on a Limited Budget – Podcast Episode 161

by | Nov 15, 2021 | Facebook, Instagram, Latest, Marketing Strategies, Podcast, Podcast notes, Small Business Help | 0 comments

Welcome back to another short episode – episode 161 and we are taking about 5 powerful ways to market your business on a limited budget!

So, let’s get into it

  1. Create Valuable content – the type of content that your audience will want to read, save for later and share. Content that’s engaging, and value adding to their lives (or business or both!)
  2. Build a referral network – your network is relative to your net worth – so start building a community, start belonging to a community and build trust with your micro-influencers and referral network.
  3. Build brand awareness and connect with potential customers – have a brand awareness strategy and a reach out strategy! Stop thinking people will find you, and go and actively seek potential customers and be social on social!
  4. Help yourself by helping others! Give, give, give and then ask!  That’s the formula for winning trust and therefore winning business.  Givers get people!  So be generous.
  5. Be the expert! Know what you want to be famous for, embrace it and talk about it allt he time!  Give your best content away for free, build trust and become the expert in your space.  Always leading with value.

So there you have it – none of these strategies will break your bank and yet they will build your community and brand and create trust in your field!

Ok, that’s it – see you next time.  Hope you enjoyed the tips on being more productive – now stop listening to podcasts and go be more productive!

Oh, but before you do, if you’re enjoying these short episodes, please go and leave a rating and review – would so appreciate that.

Remember, there’s no point in dreaming small.


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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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