Storm the Island and Burn the Boats – Episode 104

by | Dec 30, 2020 | Marketing Strategies, Podcast, Small Business Help | 0 comments

Hey there, my fabulous listener, welcome to episode 104 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!

If you are listening to this when it drops, it’s currently New Years Eve 2020 and we have ALL lived a part of history.

We will always be been known as the people who lived through the pandemic of 2020, my son will also be known as that Year that did Year 12 from home – not voluntarily and I for one, will never forget the business lessons of 2020 – aka have more than 1 income stream!

A little while ago I remember reading (or possibly heard) the quote

Storm the Island, and Burn the Boats

For some reason, and I’m sure the universe is sending it to me, this quote has been randomly floating around head for about 1 month.

Basically, it means, if you’re in – you’re ALL in –  no turning back.

I think this is how we should approach 2021.

Storm the Island (2021) and burn the boats (2020)

No looking back (or not too much) not bringing unnecessary baggage from 2020, committing to your goals for 2021 and just going ALL IN!

No excuses.

If you are serious about success in 2021, then slowly, slowly approaching it is unlikely to work.

Burning the boats is really about getting outside your comfort zone and being UNCOMFORTABLE and being ok with that.

Once you burn the boat – you’re stuck on the island!

Burning the boats means you take away any option you have of reverting back to old ways, instead of pushing forward into the unknown, the uncomfortable.

We all know that time passes too quickly – 2020 has proved that (although some might say it was the “slowest” year on record!)

So, my advice to you, in this super quick episode, the last for 2020, is

Don’t waste another minute clinging to your boat, storm the island with everything you have, passion, commitment and an unwavering belief in your own abilities and let the magic in the uncomfortable happen in 2021 and beyond.

Whatever it is that you’ve been dreaming about, make it happen – THIS IS YOUR YEAR – your time to shine – so get out of the water and head to shore!

And don’t forget to burn that boat, because you’re not going back.  You are going forward.

So, will I see you on the beach?

Happy new year amazing listener see you in 2021 next week. 

I, for one, can’t freakin’ wait.  Burn the boat and storm the island with me my friend.

And as always,

……..remember small business peeps, as my opening song says, there’s no point in dreaming small!



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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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