by | Jul 3, 2019 | Interviews, Podcast | 0 comments

Hey there, welcome to episode 27 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast.

I have got a super episode for you today.  I have a very special guest, Kerry Anne Nelson from Operation Verve who is going to chat to us about systems and processes.

About those systems and processes perhaps we don’t have in our business, those systems and processes that we SHOULD have in our businesses which would, keeping in line with the goal of the Podcast, make our lives SIMPLER!

But before I get to that interview, let’s do the Discovery of the Week!


This week’s not so much a discovery but more of a did you know, and can you see how awesome it would be for your business!  Although I guess for some it will be a new discovery!

So, the did you know is, did you know that you can send voice messages through your social platforms to prospects and new connections?

So, a DM on Instagram – you can send a recorded voice message.  A message on the LinkedIn platform – you can send a recorded message to your connections.   Messenger (Facebook’s message system) you can send a voice message!

If you’ve followed me for any length of time you know I am all about H2H – human to human contact and a massive advocate for making these social platforms just that – SOCIAL.  So, what better way to make it social then recording a message and sending – I think we can all speak WAY faster than we can type!

And you might be thinking, yes Jenn but a video would be better – and it 100% would be.  But many of you out there don’t like video so recording your voice and sending it is a great way to give a better user experience to any prospects without the roadblock of video getting in your way!

So next time you have someone reach out to connect on LinkedIn for instance, don’t type a reply back – press the little microphone, record a personalised thank you message and then send!  You just might be surprised at the response.

Let’s do this guys, let’s get more social on social!


I’m pretty excited to have Kerry Anne on today.  Talk about being more social on social, social media was where I met Kerry Anne and LinkedIn is the platform we’re been connected the most.

Kerry Anne is a local businesswoman, business mentor and community leader.  The two things that struck me about Kerry Anne (and the reasons why I asked her to come on the Podcast) is that she has over 20 years’ experience in retail and bricks and mortar (there’s not many of us out there!) and she calls herself a Workplace Processes Architect – now who doesn’t want to lean in and hear more about that!

Systems and processes can make our lives so much simpler – so why don’t we take the time to construct and introduce them into our businesses?  Well I’m not sure either which is why I have Kerry Anne on to help us all out!

Kerry Anne’s greatest passion is empowering business owners to scale or sell their businesses, so buckle up for this interview because there’s so much gold!


Contact Kerry Anne Nelson

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kerry-anne-nelson/

Website: https://operationverve.com/

Email:   info@operationverve.com


Wow, small business peeps, I hope you really enjoyed that interview.  She is just sensational, and I was so thankful for her time and effort to bring such value to you guys, my amazing listeners.

I’d love to hear about the systems or processes you have in your business.  So, let’s get social on social and continue this conversation in my Facebook Group – Like Minded Business Owners.

So, that’s all for Episode 27 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast.

I’ll be back next Thursday with some more marketing know-how and another discovery of course.  In fact, the next 3 weeks we have auditing our social accounts – so make sure you tune in for those!

If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode and share this with a friend.  And maybe leave me a rating and a review wherever you listen in.  Those things are like gold for podcasters like me!  PS – you can leave more than one rating and review – just saying!

Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special gift that only you have.  Thanks so much for lending me your ears.

…….. and remember small business peeps, as my opening song says, there’s no point in dreaming small!



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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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