Read through to learn all about one of the best marketing strategies that can really help you connect with your ideal client. I give you all the info on how Direct Messaging can be gold for your business!
When you are marketing your business one of the big things you need to be able to do is to give your prospective client or customer a solid reason on how your business helps them and overcome any hesitation they have. This blog takes you through a way to quickly build marketing content to effectively promote your business!
One thing I learnt about being a small business retailer, very early in my retail journey, was that if I was going to grow and succeed, then I needed to be front of mind to my customers at all times. In this blog I give you two of the key areas to focus on so that you can create an excellent customer experience in your retail business!
Hashtags can be the bane of many small business owner when creating their social media. This blog post is for you if you ever struggle with using and understanding Hashtags where I give you some practical tips on adding them to your social media.
One thing that my clients can really struggle with in our sessions is how to make their sales conversations flow without coming across like a hard-sell 70’s car salesman!
Read on as I give you my three top tips to sell without the hard-sell!