Web Copy vs Content for Small Business

by | Oct 23, 2023 | Business Building Musts, Everything Social Media, Sales

Everyone in business knows that nailing the content for digital presence is key, but have you ever found yourself scratching your head over the difference between web copy and content?

You’re not alone. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty and see how understanding this can boost your business.

So what exactly ARE the differences?

Web copy and content might seem like twins, but they’re more like best friends. They have unique roles but work hand-in-hand.

Web Copy: Think of this as your business’s charming salesperson. Its main job? Persuade and make the sale. As the legendary Albert Lasker once said, “Copy is salesmanship in print (or pixels).”

Content: This is the storyteller of your brand. It attracts an audience, keeps them hooked, showcases your expertise, and gently guides them towards a purchase.

With most of us turning to Google for our shopping queries, content has become the golden key to business success. But, savvy small business owners know that blending traditional copywriting techniques with content can make it even more powerful.

Here are five copywriting tips that will help you boost your content!

Nail That Headline: A catchy headline is like the window display of your store. If it’s not appealing, people might just walk past. So, make sure your headlines are clear, compelling, and irresistible.

What’s Your Big Idea?: Don’t just list facts. Share stories, insights, and benefits. Think of Apple’s “1000 Songs in Your Pocket.” Your content should have a central, memorable theme that resonates with your audience.

Find Your Eager Audience (And Listen!): Remember the wisdom of Gary Halbert: the key to success is a hungry crowd. So, find out what your audience craves. Engage with them on social media, conduct surveys, or join forums. Once you know their desires, tailor your offerings to match.

Purpose is Key: Before you pen down any content, ask yourself, “For what purpose?” Whether you’re aiming to grow your email list, introduce a new product, or simply engage your audience, clarity of purpose ensures your content hits the mark.

Keep It Engaging: As David Ogilvy wisely said, you can’t bore people into buying. Make your content lively and engaging. Add a dash of humor, sprinkle some controversy, use vibrant images, and let your unique personality shine through.

Remember, fellow small business owner, the online world is vast, but with the right blend of web copy and content, you can make your mark!

If you would like to chat some more, then please come and join me and join in the fun in my Facebook group Like Minded Business Owners https://www.facebook.com/groups/LikeMindedBusinessOwners – I would love to hear from you over there.

If you would like some help to nail your digital content, I would love to chat with you – simply go to https://calendly.com/jenn-smm/discovery and you can make an appointment to chat with me.

Or if you want to chat, get in touch.  Email me jenn@jenndonovan.com.au or DM me on Instagram or LinkedIn – I would love to hear from you.


I would love for you to book a free discovery call with me to talk about how I can help your nail your business goals, planning, strategy, marketing and social media! Simply click the link and grab a spot!

My Like Minded Business Owners Facebook group is also a great community to join – full of awesome people in small business!

Or you can DM me on Instagram or LinkedIn, or send me an email jenn@jenndonovan.com.au

I wish to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land, the Yorta Yorta People, on which I conduct my business today and pay my respects to their Elders past and present. I extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples reading this blog post today.

About the Author:

Jenn Donovan of Social Media & Marketing Australia.  Jenn’s an expert marketing coach and mentor from rural NSW. She is all about empowering business owners to earn what they’re worth so they can make a bigger difference in the world.  Not only is she a sought after expert on all things marketing for Small Business, she is a keynote speaker, author, was the Founder of Buy From a Bush Business and a Co-Founder of Spend With Us e-commerce marketplace, and is the host of the very popular podcast Small Business Made Simple and Stories from the Bush. Jenn is all about community and humans interacting with humans!  H2H Marketing – human to human marketing. Jenn talks the talk but importantly walks the walk!

Get in touch – www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au

On Instagram – @jenndonovan_

On Facebook – Jenn Donovan

Or on LinkedIn as Jenn Donovan


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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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