3 Smart Steps to Simplify and Boost Your Business for 2025 – Podcast Episode 331

by | Jan 16, 2025 | Latest, Marketing Strategies, Podcast, Podcast notes, Small Business Help | 0 comments

Hey there, my friend, welcome to episode 331 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast.

Thanks for leading me your ears right now – I know you have lots of other things you could be doing or listening to – so I appreciate you.

Did you get a chance to listen in to episode 330? It was all about what’s google is up to and how that will impact you this year … it’s HUGE, if you haven’t listened in, please do! Can you listen where you are now or go to my link: www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/330

Before I get started though, just a nudge to remember that I have a free webinar coming up on the 20th of January from 1 pm to 2 pm NSW Time that’s all about the things you need to know about marketing in 2025.

Here’s the link: https://bit.ly/marketing2025Jenn

I wanted to share with you today some things I’ve been doing in my business to prepare for 2025, which will be HUGE mind you, since I started back at my desk last week (after the Christmas break).

There’s three main things I’ve been concentrating on, which I thought if I shared, might give you a nudge or inspire some marketing activities in you!

Firstly, I’ve been looking at my income streams – what’s new, what’s different, what content I need to create for the funnels – what’s my angle this year – what do I want to be famous for this year, or at least the first bit of this year!

After many discussions with business owners, maybe just like you, I’ve made the decision to run some email marketing masterminds again this year. 2023 saw me do these a few times, but honestly, 2024 simply slipped by, due to lack of planning, and I didn’t do much around email marketing.

So, I’ve been rehashing odd lead magnets, designing new ones, writing email funnels, designing courses and masterminds and working out the timing and marketing strategy for it all.

It’s time consuming, indeed, but making money is time consuming right? Making money in your pjs is simply not true and is ONLY true if you have done ALLLLL the groundwork first! So that’s the first step into making money for me in 2025 … all the freaking time consuming groundwork.

So, if email marketing is something you are super keen on learning more about – click the link and join the waiting list to be the first to know what’s I’m offering and potentially sway me in a direction to get what you want! https://bit.ly/EmailWaitList

The second thing I’ve been spending a lot of energy on and always do this time of the year – but this year I AM ON FIRE – is around my content pillars.

We all have content pillars in our business – content that we need to produce for social media or email marketing or other types of marketing. Content that falls into the marketing strategy categories of brand awareness, engaging, sales, lead generation and so forth.

And, I have to admit, I started out of the gates of 2024 so strong and died a slow and painful content death towards the end of the year.

So, if it’s broke, you gotta fix it right?

So, I have been gathering content, making new content and scheduling my little heart out – some of my content is scheduled to the end of 2025 now.

There’s certain types of content that just makes sense to schedule if you can – it makes marketing simpler – which just so happens to be my goal in life!

Content like

  • Testimonials
  • Lead magnets
  • Quotes for inspiration and engagement – but this year I have asked Ai to find quotes of things I’ve said and used those rather than quoting Abraham Lincoln or some long dead guy – makes it more personal and allows me to tell some stories – aka marketing gold!

And for me content such as

  • My book – I always want someone to buy my book and yet forget to market the darn thing often enough – but not this year!
  • Join my Facebook group
  • My Nine Week Marketing Transformation Program – my self-paced course, and of course
  • Speaking – I want my community and audience to know I am always up for a speaking gig – top of mind marketing is showing up a few times a month reminding them – choose me!

These are posts and videos I can schedule in.

It’s allowing me room to concentrate on my sales rhythms – what I’m selling and when – and not get bogged down in the nitty gritty of socials.

What are some of your content pillars that you can schedule in – even if for the next 90 days?

100% you can gather and schedule some testimonials and posts around joining your newsletter or signing up to your freebies/discounts/lead magnets.

As part of your engagement strategy, you could find some pretty cool quotes that your audience would like and schedule some of them in.

Take testimonials for instance, if you post a testimonial twice a month – that means that you need 24 for the year, right? WRONG! You probably could get away with 10 and recycle them over 120 days or so! Now scheduling testimonials for the whole year doesn’t seem so hard when you only need 10 – right?

Yes, I know there’s probably some people thinking that you shouldn’t schedule posts and definitely shouldn’t schedule posts that far ahead – 11 or 12 months – that’s insane, not good for reach or engagement – blah blah blah. You know what happens if I don’t? I do – EXACTLY what happened at the end of 2024 …. Friggin nothing. A post that doesn’t perform super well is certainly better than one that never exists to perform at all is my theory.

Inspired? I really really hope so.

Oh and this year I am trying a new piece of software – I have purchased Plann www.plannthat.com – as I am wanting to do more on TikTok and Plann enables me to do that. But you use what scheduling tool you already have.

Meta Business Suite is great – but only being able to schedule 30 days ahead is super frustrating.

And the third thing I’ve been doing, again motivated by my failures of last year, is scheduling in my diary time to do stuff that I don’t find time to do!

I use google calendar – and clients get to book into that calendar – so it gets busy, but I need time to work ON my business, not IN it and I need time off.

So, my week, every week, in 2025 now looks like this

Monday – 10 and 12 pm dedicated Reach out Time – whether that be spending time on social media being social, reaching out to leads, looking for speaking opportunities or whatever, it’s dedicated work ON the business time.

Monday 4 pm – dedicated Xero time – because otherwise my finances could wait months!

Tuesdays – 3-5 pm Dedicated Marketing Time

Friday’s – my dedicated day off

Now, clearly, I am in control of the diary and I can override these times at any time I need, especially if that’s the time that suits the client for the week – but as a whole, those times are in my diary each and every week and they are in YELLOW so I they are harder to ignore!

That’s it – they are the three steps I think would help your business in 2025 if you did them – because I know and already feel a lightness because they are helping me in mine.

Thoughts? Perhaps you’ve got something you’ve been doing that you could share with everyone that would make their business lives simpler?

Let me know in the Facebook group. If you’re not already a member, come join my Facebook Group – Like Minded Business Owners. And if you are a member, ask a question, do a post, use it as your community too!

I’ll be back next Thursday with some more marketing know-how in episode 332. 

Of course, if you are intrigued about ways of marketing in 2025, come along to my free webinar on January 20th at 1 pm NSW time – here’s the link again: https://bit.ly/marketing2025Jenn – it will be recorded so registering will get you a recording even if you can’t attend live.

If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode and share this with a friend.  And maybe leave me a rating and a review wherever you listen in.  Those things are like gold for podcasters like me!  PS – you can leave more than one rating and review – just saying!

If we aren’t hanging out on social media then let’s get social on social – you’ll find me on Instagram, Facebook, and my fav LinkedIn.

But whatever you do,

…….. remember small business peep, as my opening song says, there’s no point in dreaming small!


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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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