What’s the web presence of your business like? If you are thinking of starting a website, or that your current website needs a revamp, have a read of my latest blog post! I share with you the lessons that I learnt whilst building my website, where communication broke down and where I did things right. I also give my top tips on where to invest money and when to know it’s time to step back and let the experts handle it!
Every customer or client interacting business takes a journey – so what is the journey of YOUR client or customer? Today’s blog takes a look at this and how focusing on this journey will help you to grow your small business.
Wow – it’s mid-July already! I’m such a big fan of doing a goal mid-year check-in with my business, and see how I am tracking to my goals I set for 2021.
Read on as I give 9 great questions to ask yourself for your business check-in!
Winter months certainly can bring out the doldrums at the cash-register when it comes to retail, especially for stores that don’t have an online presence. But there are some proactive steps you can take to turn this around! My blog post today covers five of my top tips to increase your retail sales over the winter period.
There are some lessons I’ve learnt from having viral content. And I’m sharing three of them with you in this blog! Because that’s what good mentors do – share lessons so you can avoid them. So read on, and learn from my mistakes!