Read through to learn all about one of the best marketing strategies that can really help you connect with your ideal client. I give you all the info on how Direct Messaging can be gold for your business!
In the last few years in this business of small business marketing, I can say hand on heart that the NUMBER ONE thing I recommend for small businesses who are looking to create impact in their marketing, it is this – LIST BUILDING! This blog tells you all about how to leverage this marketing strategy.
Are you across SEO (search engine optimisation) for your website? Or is it something you just aren’t sure about? In this guest blog by the amazing Laura Duncan, she tells us all about SEO, with a simple and easy-to-understand run through on how to make SEO work for you!
Many of us are still working from home, and some of us may have made that permanent switch! But it is so easy to be unproductive working in the home space. In this blog I’m giving my top 3 pieces of advice on how to make that work-from-home experience a positive (and productive!) one!